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Replenishing Stock
Max Kulow avatar
Written by Max Kulow
Updated over a week ago

A Stock Product has an all-important Quantity (QTY). This is also known as QTY on hand, True QTY, or “Amount on the shelf”. There is another figure which we call ‘Available QTY’. The Available QTY is what the PJ System shows the client. This number is the True QTY minus the QTY currently on order (jobs either in Approval or with Admin, but not yet Completed, and therefore not yet ‘off the shelf’). We have this value because two users cannot requisition the same Stock – if there were 100 widgets left on the shelf, and two people order 100 each, who gets it? In the PJ System, the second person couldn’t order it.

The client can order any QTY that you set up on the Pricing Parameters page. However, if the Available QTY is low, the user cannot order (unless you enable ‘Backorders’, which allows unrestricted ordering).

At any point, the system can be set to send out ‘low stock’ alert emails.

You then have two choices. Either Admin can add more QTY directly by editing the product (on the Stock Tab), or a Client Manager can make a replenishment order. To set this up, you must add some replenishment QTYs on the Admin> Edit Product> Stock Tab (bottom right).

Apart from Admin, only Senior Managers can replenish stock. To do this, they must click the ‘Replenish Stock’ button while logged in.

Once a replenishment order is made, the Stock QTY value, and therefore the Available QTY, will increase either:

  • When the replenishment order is made (if the setting called Available Quantity includes uncompleted replenishment orders is ticked)

  • When Admin marks the Replenishment job as complete.

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