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Domain Names & SSL
Domain Names & SSL
Max Kulow avatar
Written by Max Kulow
Updated over a week ago

Posted by Nick Kulow on

4 June 2015

| Featured

Domain Names & SSL

The PJ system is fully encrypted and geared to run only on SSL. Currently the systems and SSL certificates are all set to work with the primary PJ domain

You can use your own domain names either on the storefront or on particular client systems or both, or on multiple client systems.

For example, if you want you clients to only see your domain, go to Admin Settings>Storefront Settings and apply the domain name there. This will send PJ Support a request to change the domain name for the Storefront eg. Clients who are set (by you) to login on custom URLs with then do so on for example

Setup Procedure

So to implement a domain name, you will need to have an SSL certificate. You can buy an SSL from anywhere you like – the procedure is roughly something like this:

1. Buy a domain name (from some domain registrar company such as
2. Use an existing domain name
3. Post your domain name into the domain name field in the PJ system either at the Admin Settings>Storefront Settings or at the Client Settings>URL & Login
4. You will receive a a CSR from PrintJob Support. Use this to purchase an SSL certificate.
5. Reply to the PrintJob email with your SSL Certificate files.
6. Domain will become active within 48hrs.

NOTE While you are in your godaddy account or in your domain name edit section please check out the “Email Sender” feature in the PJ system. System emails are sent by a PrintJob email address – you may want to change that too. If you do you will need to edit the SPF record of your domain in order to change the email sender profile (dont on the Admin Settings>Admin Branding page) – this will ensure that your system emails don’t get flagged as spam. Check out –


Custom Domains per Client

If you apply a domain name to your storefront, you have 3 options with custom client accounts. You can either
a) have them login at the general storefront login (which is the default)
b) give them a custom URL, which will be (Client Settings>URL & Login page)
c) apply a whole new domain to that account. (Client Settings>URL & Login page)

Sub Domains & Wildcards

In most cases a sub domain eg: is considered a whole new domain name and so normally needs to have a separate SSL. If you want all clients to be able to login at an unlimited number of subdomains, you can implement an “SSL Wildcard” which is a more expensive kind of SSL and covers an unlimited number of subdomains under the principal domain name.

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