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Types of Users
Nick Kulow avatar
Written by Nick Kulow
Updated over a week ago

System User
All users of the system (except inactive and suspended users) must log in using their email address and password. All system users must verify their email address by clicking a link in an email when they first get invited/created. Multiple instances of an email address are allowed, with restrictions (more info).

Created initially by the “Principal” who signs up at, but later by other Admin users, in System Settings/Administrators. Admins can access all areas in the Admin System and can log in as any non admin user (by pressing Login, next to their name).

Junior Admins
Similar to the Admin role except restricted to certain Storefronts. Created by Admin users. Junior Admins can see the main Order Manager but only orders pertaining to Storefronts to which they are assigned. Junior Admins cant access the System Settings (called Settings at the top right)

Created by Admin users in System Settings/Suppliers. Suppliers can log in, and see their area with an Order Manager, Quote Manager etc.

End Users, Customers, Clients
End Users can register themselves or can be created and invited by Admin or Senior Managers. Normal End Users have verified their email addresses, created a password, and logged in at least once. Users can see whatever Admin has built for them or allowed them to see with consideration to Products, Departments and so on.

Inactive End Users
Are End Users who have been installed either manually by Admin or Senior Managers or via a user import, as inactive users and so have not been formally invited to verify their email or create a password. Therefore they cannot log in. Such users are useful for placing orders, where you can load their details on a template. An example of this scenario is where a secretary might order products for 100 people, but those people don’t need access to the system.

Suspended End Users
Are any End Users whose accounts have been suspended by Admin in the Storefront Settings>Users area. While they are suspended, these users cannot log in. Once re-activated, they can resume their accounts without having lost anything.

Senior Managers
Senior Managers are 'elevated end users' who are promoted to 'Senior Manager' and can then see all products, users, addresses, orders, and quotes and approve orders and replenish replenishment orders. They can create, add/edit/delete/suspend users and place users in departments. They can add/edit/delete all company addresses (but not assign them to departments) and see/edit (but not add/delete) all "personal addresses" belonging to users. Senior Managers can select any address during an order, allowing them to order on behalf of any user.

Senior Managers are assigned by Admin in Client Settings/Managers or are the Client Users who first (self) register a client account via the Storefront. To create Senior Managers, there needs to be at least one Active Client User.

Department Manager
Similar to Senior Managers but in charge of 1+ departments. Department Managers can see all products, users, addresses, orders, and quotes and can approve orders and order stock replenishments which exist or are available to the departments which he/she manages. Department Managers can not edit company addresses but can edit (but not create or delete) the personal addresses of users they manage. Department Managers can select these addresses during an order, allowing them to order on behalf of any user they manage. Department Managers can not create users.

Admin can create Department Managers on the Departments view page, and by clicking on the ‘Managers’ button in any row.

Is any Client User designated to approve orders. If this role is carried out by Managers or normal Client Users, they will have access to orders they are requested to approve.

External Approver
If the Approval System is set up to allow it, a Client User can nominate any person, Client User or not, to approve their order. This nominated approver will receive an email linked to a one-off, once-viewed-then-deleted URL. A record is kept of the approval for accountability. Admin can limit user-nominated approvers such that the users must nominate someone with a certain email domain, e.g., so anyone with that domain in their email address, e.g.,

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